Hill Branch raises funds for UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland, where all children have access to quality medical care, regardless of their background, circumstances, or a family’s ability to pay.
Hill Branch has raised over $7M for UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital. This money has funded important equipment and services that have saved the lives of thousands of children.

Charlie's Clinic
This year, in addition to funding a number of wishlist items, Hill Branch is working to support Charlie's Clinic for Down's Syndrome and it's mission: To provide specialized, comprehensive care to children with Down's Syndrome in the Bay Area and beyond, and to collaborate with community partners and researchers to improve the health of all individuals with Down Syndrome.Your donation plays a pivotal role in shaping the quality of care and comfort provided to these clinic patients, and holds the power to transform and uplift their lives.
Thank you to our amazing sponsors and donors. Your incredible generosity, will support children and their families in their time of need.


Shand and Bill Green
Sue and Tom Smegal
Jennifer Walker
Thank you to our amazing sponsors and donors. Your incredible generosity, will support children and their families in their time of need.

Thank you to to these wonderful people who gave their goods, time and talent.
Joe and Sheila Addiego
Kate Addiego
Anne Bone
Linda Cyrog
Kris Miller-Fisher and Marc Fisher
Gretchen and Tom Gibson
Laura Giles
Shand Green
Lisa and Craig Jorgens
Lisa Labrille – Curly Hair Flair
Carol Leslie
Molly Lewis
Jeanine McDermott
Ann Patton
Sydney Proctor
Sue Smegal
Lucy Talbot
Laurel Williams and Randy Reed